COVID-19 guidelines for riders

As we continue to monitor the development of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) in the UAE, your safety and the safety of our customers are our top priority.

Therefore, please take note of the new standards of delivery that we have introduced in line with government health advice.

Watch this video carefully to understand how to deliver safely in these challenging days

Here are a few tips for you to comply with the new health measures issued by the Ministry of health and prevention of the UAE:

Before you start your shift

  • Ensure you have adequate supplies of masks, gloves and hand sanitisers before your shift. Reach out to your agency for them otherwise.
  • Make sure that your Deliveroo kit is clean and neat. Plan ahead to make sure you can wash your kit as frequently as possible (for instance, do it on your day off)
  • Use wipes and hand sanitizer to clean your thermal bag (from inside and outside), box and motorcycle handles and clean them again frequently during your shift as well
  • Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly before you go online, and use your bottle of hand sanitizer so you can keep them clean. Always keep a bottle with you on your duty.

During your shift

  • Wash your hands with soap or hands sanitizer after every delivery. Try to avoid touching your face, nose, eyes. You can use sanitizers available at restaurants to clean your before picking up the order
  • Always store food in your thermal bag to help minimise exposure and maintain food temperature
  • Seal your bag as soon as you’ve picked an order and keep it closed until you’ve reached the customer’s door
  • Always read the delivery notes in the app, as they may contain additional requirements to pick up from a restaurant or building, as well from customers
  • If the security from the building where the restaurant or customer is located stops you entering the premises, please cooperate and contact the rider chat immediately. Follow the rider chat agent instructions as we help you resolve the situation.

Handing food to the customer

For all the orders (except cash order), please follow these guidelines;

  1. Open your thermal bag and place it in front of the customer’s door
  2. Knock on the door or ring the bell (unless the customer notes specify that you should not do either) and take a few steps back
  3. Maintain at least 2 meters distance from the customer’s door
  4. Wait for the customer to pick up the food from the thermal bag and close the door
  5. Pick up your thermal bag and don’t forget to tap delivered on your app

In case of cash on delivery orders, please wear gloves, wash your hands or use hand sanitizers before touching bills and notes. Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after handling cash too

Practise social distancing

Maintain at least 2 meters distance from people, avoid handshakes, avoid gathering in big groups, regardless of whether you are on duty or during your break time.